I started getting blackheads and pimples around the age of 12. The skin breakouts were uncomfortable, and I started using spot treatments for teens with varying degrees of success. After a few days of…

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Mel K

I didn’t really get problem spots as a teenager, but when I got pregnant at 27, hormonal spots came into my life with a vengeance. A contraceptive coil worsened the breakouts, and I started getting …

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Ben M

I started having spotty outbreaks on my face when I reached my teens, and I also get lots on my torso. It’s frustrating not being able to get them under control, and the ones on my back are particu…

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Kate K

As a teen, I thought spots were something I would grow out of, well I’m nearly 40 and still get them. In all that time I have found I can reduce the number of spots I get by cleaning my face properl…

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Vicki H

My daughter, Daisy, is 12 years old and has been suffering with sore, red, pussy spots all over her face and back. She has been using silicolskin for a few months. As soon as a spot appears she applie…

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Victoria G silicolskin

Victoria G

I have suffered with skin problems since a teenager when puberty struck. As an adult, I still experience some breakouts around my period, and I’m also quite an anxious person and so I think times of…

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Silicolskin customer review

Sammy M

I used silicolskin myself and was really impressed with the results. My skin felt smoother and much less oily. I also used it on my son who is developing skin problems on his arms. He felt a little ti…

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silicolskin in bathroom

Mrs A

Silicolskin was suggested to me to deal with my problem skin. Following a few applications I have noticed a great improvement in not only my dry flaky patches but also my oily areas. Feels great to le…

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Eva H silicolskin

Eva H

I first started getting spots my early teens, mainly around my mouth, chin, and forehead. Like many women, my skin troubles are worst around the time of my period and some foods can trigger an episode…

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Denise Turner

I’ve suffered from problem skin for over eleven years; very red, angry-looking raised itchy spots would appear around my jawlines, and also on my upper arms. The itching is very annoying, but the ap…

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